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Jun 26, 2021
A painting in stages - Healing the Centurion's servant or friend
In the final post (for now) of our series of galleries of images showing a painting in progress we bring you this painting finished in...

Jun 19, 2021
A painting in stages - Potter and clay
In our new mini series of posts sharing the steps or moments in the progress of painting a picture. We now reach Potter and clay -...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Nov 15, 2020
Signs and symbols: the deer
“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” Psalm 42:1 “He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Sep 12, 2020
I Am The Gate "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved." John 10 There are two...

Aug 23, 2020
Surrounded by Art
While we are here at this website to celebrate on Peter's art, in August we wanted to briefly highlight that Peter's life has been...

Aug 2, 2020
How do you paint a ceiling?
Peter has told us it is his dream to decorate the walls of the whole of a small church, as artists sometimes would in the renaissance,...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Jul 25, 2020
St Christopher - is he or isn't he?
A look into the sanctity of St Christopher.

Jul 16, 2020
The Birth of a Painting
As Peter has just started working on his latest painting, we thought we would take this opportunity to have a look at Peter's process of...

Jun 28, 2020
Happy Saints Day Peter! ...and the Pauls out there too
While most people don't particularly mark their Saint's Day or name day as some call it in English, this is still a tradition in Spain,...

May 17, 2020
Second Moses or Rainbow Resurrection
With this picture, Peter visualises Jesus as the new Moses, the culmination of the old testatment scripture.

Sophie (Site Admin)
Apr 25, 2020
St Augustine and the Seashell
St Augustine is a figure of tremendous importance for the Catholic church and Western Christianity in general. He spent over 30 years...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Apr 17, 2020
Yeast Shortages
Several weeks into the COVID-19 lockdown, we have seen shortages of toilet roll, hand sanitiser, bread, and now, apparently, yeast. This...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Apr 15, 2020
Martyrs and holy people
Peter's Christmas Triptych is an incredible painting full of imagery and detail. Around the altar you can see a gathering of small...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Apr 12, 2020
Happy Easter to all!
He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Apr 5, 2020
New painting added: Hope for a Tree
The title of this painting comes from Job 14, which says: “At least there is hope for a tree If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Mar 19, 2020
Lo&Behold Takes a Look at the Prodigal Son
Lo & Behold is a virtual art gallery, featuring biblical images found in Catholic churches across the UK. The site has a growing...

Sophie (Site Admin)
Mar 14, 2020
Editor's Notes: St Francis and the Wolf
St Francis lived in 12th and 13th century Italy. He believed nature was the mirror of God and preached to animals and birds. He is...
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