Christmas Triptych
Isaiah 2, Isaiah 40, Matthew 2, Matthew 3, John 2, John 15, Acts 7, Revelation 19
This painting is formed of three panels which, when opened, display a different series of images.
The outer panels depict two key prophetic passages from the Old Testament:
"They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks" (Isaiah 2)
"A voice of one calling: 'In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord'" (Isaiah 40).
The internal panels display a variety of scenes and themes from the New Testament, including:
The magi offering gifts to the newborn Jesus (Matthew 2);
The baptism of Christ (Matthew 3);
The wedding at Cana (John 2);
The stoning of St Stephen (Acts 7), (St Stephen's Day is the day after Christmas Day);
The marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 19).
To the left, the crucifix behind the infant Jesus rises out of the tomb wrapped in vines, a reference to the resurrection and to John 15, "I am the true vine".
Now in a private collection.
All references from BibleGateway.